Michael Blonk, Managing Director of Context, explained that they frequently received inquiries from their clients about whether they handled marine/cargo insurance claims. To avoid turning clients away, they had already been collaborating with Interlloyd Averij on occasion in recent years. Their experiences with Interlloyd Averij were positive, and the two companies shared a similar approach. The decision to partner was also influenced by Interlloyd Averij's strong international network.
Bert van Riessen, Director of Interlloyd Averij, stated that aside from complementing each other's specialties, the philosophies and approaches of both companies aligned closely, making a closer collaboration a logical step. The goal of their partnership is to provide the market with a new multidisciplinary player in the field of expertise. Interlloyd Averij will focus on the transport sector, in which they have over 200 years of expertise. Context will contribute their technical expertise.
By combining the strengths of Context, Interlloyd Averij, and previously Lindesk, they have created an organization capable of offering existing and new clients a broader range of services. The collaboration is based on equality, with no additional fees for each other's services. Context and Interlloyd Averij thus become comprehensive players in the field of insurance expertise and can handle all types of claims except for automotive.
Both companies will remain accessible through their existing contact information.
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